Sunday, 20 March 2011

Bonding update :-)

The good news is that a bond is forming :-) After many failed attempts in the hallway (neutral area) I thought it was never going to work.  Monkey was too defensive and attacked whenever Fred or Ginger approached her.  She is a nervous rabbit by nature and only ever used to do anything if Kato (her brother who died recently) did it first.  She was also harbouring bad memories of the meetings with Fred and Ginger and seemed tense.

So, I gave them few days off, did lots more research and have tried this very slow method instead.

For a few days I kept them in their exercise runs side by side in the living room!  Close enough so they could smell and see each other but not close enough to injure each other through the bars. 
Now and again I would swap over their litter trays and toys so as to get them used to each others smell.  It is argued that this simply delays the inevitable hierarchy setting which has to happen, but I gave it a try because previous attempts at bonding had failed.
The next stage was to let Fred and Ginger run freely around the room while Monkey was still caged and vice versa.  This did not go well.  Whichever rabbit or rabbits were caged protected their territory so I stopped that and moved onto the next stage.

This was the most important one to get right, the introduction, or re-introduction in this case following so many unsuccessful introductions.  Janice from ARC (Animal Rescue and Care) in Twickenham had sent me some great information which has proved very useful so far.  I also had Fiona Campbell's book 'Bonding Rabbits' and advice from Caroline Collings at The Rabbit Rescue Residence, Wendy Powell of Rescue Range in Newport and  Anne from The Rabbit Welfare Association.  All parties agreed that bonding a trio is so much harder than a pair so, while I am positive this is going to work, I also have to accept that it might not.

The first introduction was on Friday night and lasted an hour and a half.  I used a small animal play pen (the previous hallway attempts had not worked because it was too big) in the spare room, the only neutral room left in the house!  In order to avoid any terratorial behaviour I bought a brand new litter tray and water bowl.  However, I quickly removed the litter tray when Monkey started guarding it and when Fred started using it as a way of nibbling hay and pretending Monkey wasn't there!  I removed Fred for a while and let the girls sort their issues out.  Both seemed to be demanding that the other groom them and when neither would cave a little scuffle happened.  Eventually though, Ginger gave in and started grooming Monkey.  Then I added Fred who immediately started grooming Monkey.  Result.  I was tempted not to split them up but because I had work all weekend I decided to put them back in the living room seperately.  Whilst this can cause a set back I thought it much better than leaving them unattended.

The latest is that tonight 24hour bunny watch has commenced.  So far all is well.  They are happily sharing a litter tray, there has been mutual grooming and chilled out behaviour.  I have added some jingle ball toys so that when I have to leave the room I will hear if they start chasing or fighting.  Still haven't decided whether to sleep in here with them or go next door.  I am really hoping this continues.  Watch this space............   

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